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The Academy publishes Principia, a collection of stories of different principals, their philosophy, their successes and yes, even their failures, because we believe we learn best from a combination of both.  At the Academy, we see principals as a vast pool of wisdom that is oftentimes untapped .


Principia is a bi-annual publication that is circulated to all members as well as local Singapore schools. The publications can be viewed on-line.




Principia Vol 16 No 1

Principia Vol 15 No 2

Principia Vol 15 No 1

Principia Vol 14 No 2

Principia Vol 14 No 1

Principia Vol 13 No 2

Principia Vol 13 No 1

Principia Vol 12 No 2

Principia Vol 12 No 1

Principia Vol 11 No 2

Principia Vol 11 No1

Principia Vol 11

Principia Vol 10 No 2

Principia Vol 10 No 1

Principia Vol 9 No 2

Principia Vol 9 No 1

Principia Vol 8 No 1

Principia Vol 7 No 2

Principia Vol 7 No 1

Principia Vol 6 No 2

Principia Vol 6 No 1

Principia Vol 5 No 1

Principia Vol 4 No 2

Principia Vol 4 No 1

Principia Special Edition

Principia Vol 3 No 2

Principia Vol 3 No 1

Principia Vol 2 No 2

Principia Vol 2 No 1

Principia Vol 1 No 2

Principia Vol 1 No 1


To further support our members’ professional development, we encourage them to share their valuable knowledge with the rest of the education fraternity by writing their thoughts and experiences which we will help publish.

Members of the fraternity may then draw lessons from the experiences of their peers and thus improve the quality of education for our young learners.

In addition, academics and researchers in the field of educational research will also be able to use the valuable information provided to create breakthroughs in educational pedagogy and methodology.

Also, leveraging on the sabbatical scheme introduced by the Ministry, the Academy will provide relevant support and expert advice on book publishing in order to help principals achieve their goals.

If you would like to publish or want to know more about book publishing, please contact us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it